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TPSYCH 400 AQuizzesExam 1

General instructions: You will have an hour and 15 minutes (75 min.) to complete this exam. Once you have started the clock with start. In other words, it will not save for you. I am expecting that you have spent the normal time preparing for this exam as you would...
Exam 3

Exam 3

Instructions General instructions: You will have two hours (120 min) to complete this exam. Once you have started the clock with start. In other words, it will not save for you. I am expecting that you have spent the normal time preparing for this exam as you would...

Course project research paper

Course Project 2019 TPSYCH 309: Fundamentals of Psychological Research II Professor: Amanda Sesko Assignment This assignment was designed to help bring together all that you have learned in this course (and are still learning). We have done a literature search on a...

Journal 2

The task Read the same article you read for journal 1. Note: DO NOT read your journal 1 entry yet. Complete the first part of this assignment without going back to this work. The assignment specifics (give particular attention to 4, 6, and 7) Your job will be to 1)...

Writing-up results to mastery 3

You will be completing this to mastery which means you will continue to turn it in until you have received a 100%. I will be getting feedback to you within 4 days of you turning it in. You then turn it back to me within 4 days if revisions are needed. This process...

Assignment 6

Assignment 6 TPSYCH 309: Fundamentals in Psychological Research II Professor Amanda Sesko             Read the following: Kaiser, C. R., Major, B., Jurcevic, I., Dover, T. L., Brady, L. M., & Shapiro, J. R. (2013). Presumed fair: Ironic effects of...