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The Good Night Inn is located on downtown St. Clair. It is operated by the Paul Bryant Group which has a number of other downtown hotels. The company has over 100 full-time employees.
Camilla worked full-time at the Good Night Inn for 18 months as a front desk clerk. She became pregnant and requested from her super- visor a 12-week leave of absence beginning 4 weeks before her due date. The supervisor granted the leave. Camilla left her job as agreed 4 weeks before her due date. The delivery went well and she had a healthy baby girl. Two weeks before her leave was to end she contacted the supervisor and informed him she would be returning to work as agreed. The supervisor informed her that she could come back to work but the only position he had open was a dishwasher position in the hotel’s restaurant at a lower wage. Camilla thanked him and hung up.
The Paul Bryant Group received a notice from John Liu, an attor- ney, that Camilla was  lling a lawsuit against the company.
Case Study Analysis Questions

  • What basis might Camilla have for a lawsuit against the Paul Bryant Group?
  • What speci c steps could have been taken to avoid the current situation?
  • What, speci cally, can be done to overcome the challenges and generate motion in a positive direction for the Paul Bryant Group?