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This chart shows deaths and death rates during WWI.

A 3-column table with 7 rows is shown. Column 1 is labeled Country with entries Russia, France, U K, Italy, Serbia, U S, Total. Column 2 is labeled Deaths with entries 1,811,000, 1,398,000, 913,000, 578,000, 278,000, 114,000, 5,413,000. Column 3 is labeled Percentage of population with entries 1.1%, 1.5%, 0.24%, 1.6%, 5.7%, 0.1%, 0.7%.

Which country had the lowest death rate?

This chart shows Allied deaths from World War I.

A 3-column table with 7 rows is shown. Column 1 is labeled Country with entries Russia, France, U K, Italy, Serbia, U S, Total. Column 2 is labeled Deaths with entries 1,811,000, 1,398,000, 913,000, 578,000, 278,000, 114,000, 5,413,000. Column 3 is labeled Percentage of population with entries 1.1%, 1.5%, 0.24%, 1.6%, 5.7%, 0.1%, 0.7%.

Which two countries lost the smallest percentage of their populations?

Which of these events occurred first?

Where was the World War I armistice signed?

A contributing development to the end of the war following the Allies’ Hundred Days Offensive was the surrender of

What terms of the armistice did Germany agree to? Check all that apply.

This chart shows the indirect costs of WWI.

A 4 column table with 4 rows titled Indirect costs of World War 1, 1920 dollars. Column 1 is labeled Country with entries United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany. Column 2 is labeled Property Damage in billions of dollars, with entries 1.8, 10, 1.2, 1.8. Column 3 is labeled Loss of Life in billions of dollars, with entries 3.5, 4.8, 8.1, 6.8. Column 4 is labeled Shipping Losses in billions of dollars, with entries 3.9, 0.5, 0.9, 0.1.

Which shows the correct order, from most to least, of countries that had total indirect costs from WWI?

The  ending World War I was signed on November 11, 1918.

In March 1918, Germany launched attacks from the Hindenberg line to

By the end of 1917, Russia had exited the war because it had