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Formal Planning Grant Proposal
Write a formal planning grant proposal in response to the scenario below.
The Corporation for National and Community Service offers a technology grant that you feel will benefit the nonprofit organization you have been developing throughout the course. The opportunity to purchase updated technology will help you to achieve your organization’s goals and provide faster results for the people you serve. You decide to apply for this grant. Research the audience for this grant proposal. There are many research opportunities both online and in the CSU Online Library that can be utilized for the project.
Note: The Corporation for National and Community Service is a real government agency, but the grant and the specific contact are fictional.
Click here to access a copy of the grant opportunity that will be the basis for your proposal. The proposal should include the following components:

  • formal letter,
  • title page,
  • table of contents,
  • informative abstract (also called an executive summary);
  • introduction (with an overview, background, statement of the problem, need, and scope),
  • proposed plan (methods, costs, feasibility, and personnel),
  • conclusion,
  • references, and
  • appendices.

Part I: Your completed proposal should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page, table of contents, reference page(s), and appendices. Remember that in-text citations and reference page entries should follow APA format. Use a minimum of two outside sources for this assignment, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. An example of this type of document appears in Chapter 17 on pages 319–328 of the textbook. Be sure that you are uploading the Unit V Scholarly Activity for grading.
Part II: Revise your Unit IV Project based off of the feedback from your professor. Do not resubmit this assignment, but add this revised assignment to the My Artifacts section of your e-portfolio for submission in Unit VIII. Click the My Portfolio button in the Course Menu on the left of your screen in Blackboard to work on your e- portfolio.