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Coal Production

A bar graph titled Coal Production is shown. The x axis shows the years from 1700 to 1900. The y axis shows millions of tons, from 0 to 300. The line starts at near 0 in 1700, rises slowly to about 10 in 1800, 50 in 1850, then rises quickly to 250 in 1900.

Compare this graph with the one you created for iron production. What conclusion can be drawn from the data shown on these graphs?

Use charts, graphs, and maps to analyze ways the Industrial Revolution changed the economy.

In this assignment, you will examine some maps, charts, and graphs about the industrial age. Then you will answer some questions to check your understanding of this information.

Urban Population in Europe

A map of Europe titled Urban Population, 1850, is shown. Great Britain had 20% or more of its population living in cities of 100,000 plus, with London shown. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, much of Germany, and Prussia had 6 to 10% of their populations living in cities of 100,000 plus. The cities Paris in France, Brussels in Belgium, and Berlin in Prussia are shown. The rest of Europe had 5% or less of its population living in cities of 100,000 plus. Paris is about 500 kilometers from London.
What percentage of people in Britain lived in cities in 1850? 

Based on the map, the population trend indicates that more people were moving .

Industrialized Europe

A map of Industrialized Europe. It shows most of the centers of industry are located in the northwest part of Europe, near iron ore, coal, and lignite deposits. Railroads are shown connecting many of the industrial centers.

According to the map, most industrialization in Europe occurred in the .

Centers of industry were located in areas closest to .

Farm Labor

A chart titled Percent of U S Workforce Engaged in Farming. The x axis shows years 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900. The y axis shows Percent of Population, from 0 to 80%. 1840: 68%; 1860, 60%; 1880, 50%; 1900, 40%.

According to the bar graph, the percentage of the workforce engaged in farming in 1840 was approximately .

Between 1840 and 1900, the percentage of the US workforce engaged in farming 

Making a Prediction

A chart titled Percent of U S Workforce Engaged in Farming. The x axis shows years 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900. The y axis shows Percent of Population, from 0 to 80%. 1840: 68%; 1860, 60%; 1880, 50%; 1900, 40%.

Based on the trends shown on the graph, what would one expect the percentage of workers engaged in farming to be for 1910?

Identifying a Cause

A chart titled Percent of U S Workforce Engaged in Farming. The x axis shows years 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900. The y axis shows Percent of Population, from 0 to 80%. 1840: 68%; 1860, 60%; 1880, 50%; 1900, 40%.

Which factors are responsible for the data shown on the graph? Check all that apply.

Using Data to Create a Line Graph

A 2 column table with 5 rows. Column 1 is labeled Year with entries 1720, 1790, 1805, 1830, 1860. Column 2 is labeled Pig Iron Produced in tons with entries 25,000, 80,000, 250,000, 700,000, 4,000,000. Below the table are the words "This table shows the production of pig iron in England, a crude type of iron that can be cast into other things."

Select this link, to view the data in this table in the form of a link graph.

Study the graph to help you understand what how the production of pig iron changes over the years.

Once you are finished, keep the graph open and selected “Done” to move forward.

Reading Your Graph

According to your graph, pig iron production between 1790 and 1830 .

According to your graph, the number of tons that pig iron production increased by between 1790 and 1830 was .

The general trend in pig iron production between 1720 and 1860 was that it .

Coal Production

A graph titled Coal Production is shown. The x axis shows the years from 1700 to 1900. The y axis shows millions of tons, from 0 to 300. The line starts at near 0 in 1700, rises slowly to about 10 in 1800, 50 in 1850, then rises quickly to 250 in 1900.

According to the graph, coal production reached 50 million tons in .

Based on the information on the graph, one can infer that industrialization began in Britain .

Coal Production

A bar graph titled Coal Production is shown. The x axis shows the years from 1700 to 1900. The y axis shows millions of tons, from 0 to 300. The line starts at near 0 in 1700, rises slowly to about 10 in 1800, 50 in 1850, then rises quickly to 250 in 1900.

Compare this graph with the one you created for iron production. What conclusion can be drawn from the data shown on these graphs?