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In 1915, the United States’ neutral stance was tested when Germany

How did the United States respond when German U-boats sank the Lusitania?

The chart shows immigration to the United States between 1840 and 1920.

A graph titled Immigration to the United notes. The x axis shows years in increments of one decade, from 1840 to 1920. The y axis shows number of new immigrants, from 0 to 1,200,000. A line connects diamonds on the chart, which appear as follows: 1840, 100,000; 1850, 400,000; 1860, 200,000; 1870, 400,000; 1880, 450,000; 1890, 450,000; 1900, 450,000; 1910, 1,100,000; 1920, 420,000.

Which conclusion does the chart support?

Every man who really loves America will act and speak in the true spirit of neutrality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned. . . . The United States must be neutral in fact, as well as in name, during these days that are to try men’s souls.

The passage is from President Woodrow Wilson’s Declaration of Neutrality in 1914.

How did this speech affect US involvement in World War I?

Which events in 1917 caused the United States to enter World War I? Check all that apply.

The Russian Revolution resulted in the overthrow of the tsar and the

In 1914, President Wilson signaled the United States’ policy of isolationism by issuing a Declaration of .

Which best explains the Russian army’s near-collapse during World War I?

The map depicts World War I in Europe.

A map titled Europe at War. The Central Powers are Germany, Austria-Hungary, and The Ottoman Empire. The Allied Powers are Russia to the east, Great Britain and France to the west, and Italy in the south. Arrows point from the Central Powers to Russia in the east, to Greece in the south, and to Belgium and France in the west.

Russia’s withdrawal from the war allowed Germany to focus

The secret message in which Germany asked Mexico to attack the United States was called the