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Paper 2

Length: 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages

Choose one of the following paper topics to write on Dante’s Inferno:

  1. How is Virgil’s presence vital to Dante’s journey through Hell in Inferno?
  2. Select three circles (or sublevels) of Inferno and explain how the punishment fits the sin.
  3. Though The Divine Comedy feels like anything but a comedy, why is it called a comedy? (Use Inferno to support your claim.)

Your essay should include a complete introduction, body, and conclusion.

The essay should be divided logically into paragraphs. (NOTE: Failure to divide your writing into separate paragraphs WILL result in a failing grade!)


Proper formatting of the paper:

  1. Adhere to MLA guidelines.
  2. Include an MLA heading, header, and space your work properly.
  3. Title should appear one line below the heading and on the center of that line.
  4. Indent all paragraphs.
  5. Use Calibri or Times New Roman font, sized 10-12.


  1. Title should be more creative than just the names of the works you are covering.
  2. Title should include the theme you are covering.
  3. Title should not take up a whole line.


  1. Be sure to work in title of each work, author (if there is an author), and a brief summary (no longer than two sentences per work) of each work.
  2. Elaborate on the theme you are covering.
  3. End with a thesis statement that explains how the theme works in each work.


  1. I am looking for multiple paragraphs.
  2. Each paragraph should support the thesis statement by elaborating on how the theme is used.
  3. You must quote from each work.
  4. You must properly cite each quote! Failure to cite is plagiarism.
  5. Never begin or end a paragraph with a quote. Quotes should be thoroughly explained in your own words before moving on to a new point.
  6. Each body paragraph should include at least one quote. (But use your judgment about how many you will need. Sometimes, a paragraph may require more.)
  7. Make sure you transition smoothly from one point to the next.


  1. The conclusion is one full paragraph, not just a couple of sentences.
  2. The conclusion sums up the entire essay.
  3. The conclusion also shares how this theme is timeless. (In other words, how is this theme still used in our current culture?)
  4. The conclusion ends smoothly, not abruptly.

Grammar and Conventions:

  1. Use Standard English Grammar.
  2. Write in third person point of view.
  3. Avoid phrases like “This essay is about” or “I will explain.”
  4. Do not repeat information, (such as “As previously stated…”)
  5. Be specific!