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This week, contemplatively explore the realm of how we relate to nature. First, do a mindfulness exercise to get your mind and body more focused and relaxed. Then wherever you are, take five to ten minutes to look around or walk around. Look for ‘clues’ about the way you/our culture relates to nature. How integrated is it into your immediate environment? Is it commodified, as Mander suggests? Are there signs that it is revered? Do you see evidence of attempts to control or dominate nature, as Merchant suggests? You can do this exercise wherever you choose … at home, outdoors, at school, in the workplace, or at the Mall. It might be really interesting to try this exercise in a religious building. It would be really great if you were to upload a video or a photograph (or other object like your own artwork) to help us understand what you are looking at and thinking about.

Please post your reflections below, uploading any media objects in the same posting.