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Plato and Aristotle

According to the article, what did Plato and Aristotle have in common?

Plato believed that society should be governed by  people.

Pericles believed that Athenian government should favor the

Read the scenario.

Citizen X has run into some financial troubles. One day, he shows up to work wearing a new watch. A co-worker whose home was recently robbed says, “Hey, my watch! You thief!” Citizen X goes on trial for burglary, but is found not guilty.

Based on what happens to Citizen X, under which government does he live?

During Athens’ first democracy, the people

Greek philosophers believed the universe was governed by

The democracy in place in Rome was considered

An influential aspect of Athenian government on modern democracies is

Who created a direct democracy in Athens?

The early government of Athens was ruled by

Who created a direct democracy in Athens?

The early government of Athens was ruled by

Which scenario would most likely take place under Athens’ jury system?