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I require an essay in the APA Format, based on the below attachment. I need the flowing sections , researched , analyzed, and a marketing plan created based on the company, WALMART. The following 3 sections must have their own headers and be described and researched based on their descriptions.
1.CONTROLS: create the appropriate management measures that will help WALMART evaluate the expected results or show the unexpected performance deficiencies that will need corrective action.
2.IMPLEMENTATION: Demonstrate how the implementation phase will be monitored  with the selected controls that are expected to ensure the plan’s success.
3. MARKETING ORGANIZATION: finally , demonstrate how how WALMARTS  marketing organization ,(by function, geographic location, products, and customer) reaches the set marketing goals. Show how the rest of the company’s departments also participate in the planning process.
The paper must be a minimum of 500 words , not including the title page and a reference page with 4 references.
Thank You.