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What were the most popular final destinations chosen by immigrants after they entered the United States? Check all that apply.

In which neighborhoods were immigrants who stayed in cities most likely to settle?

How did industrial cities provide new opportunities for workers? Check all that apply.

The map shows the number of people who immigrated to the United States from different regions.

A map of the world titled Immigration to the U S by Region of Origin, 1820 to 1920. Europe, 29,420,025; North and South America, 2,569,633; Asia, 927,402; Oceania, 43,953; Africa, 17,548; Not specified, 246,241.

From most to least, which shows the correct ranking of regions by number of immigrants to the United States?

The graph shows US immigration by decade.

A bar graph titled U S Immigration by Decade, 1820 to 1920 is shown. The x axis shows decades, from 1820's to 1900's. The y axis shows Number of immigrants in millions, from 0 to 9. 1820's, .2; 1830's, .5; 1840's, 1.3; 1850's, 2.8; 1860's, 2; 1870's, 2.7; 1880's, 5.2; 1890's, 3.7; 1900's, 8.1.

As the United States experienced rapid industrial growth, what was the overall trend in immigration?

A positive effect of urbanization was the building of which public transportation systems?

The graph shows world population in urban and rural areas.

A graph titled Percentage of the World's Population in Urban and Rural Areas, 1920 to 1930. The x axis shows years, from 1990 to 2030. The y axis shows percentage of population, from 30 to 65. The Urban line starts at 44 in 1990 and consistently increases, to 47 in 2000, 52 in 2010, 56 in 2020, 60 in 2030. The Rural line starts at 57 in 1990 and consistently decreases, to 53 in 2000, 48 in 2010, 44 in 2020, 40 in 2030.

The best conclusion that can be drawn from this graph is that the percentage of the world’s population living in urban areas

What caused agriculture to change in Britain leading to urbanization? Check all that apply.

During the Industrial Revolution, how did most immigrants choose to live when they arrived in the United States?

After laws were passed, what was a negative effect of urbanization?