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Respond carefully to TWO of the following prompts with multi-paragraph essay responses (each essay should have an introduction, two paragraphs, and a conclusion.Each essay should have a clear, argumentative thesis statement that addresses the overall aim of the prompt. BY USING THE BOOK James Roark, Michael Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan Hartmann, The American Promise: A Concise History, Volume One (Fifth Edition). Two body paragraphs requires 2 sources of reference in total. And i want you to finish one prompt per page. So there should be two questions answered in 2 pages. Each prompt should have 2 references citing from the book. for example ( Roark, 22 ).
Heres the questions :
1) How did the Columbian exchange lead to redistributions of power and population? In your response, examine a range of changes brought by the Columbian exchange.
2) How did tobacco agriculture shape the Chesapeake region? In your response, consider the demographic and economic changes brought by tobacco culture during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
3) How did European colonists� relations with Native Americans and enslaved Africans contribute to political friction and harmony within the English colonies?
4) How did consumption influence the relationship between the American colonies and Britain during the eighteenth century?
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