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Discussion Module 11

Discussion Module 11

Europe between 1980-2010 saw a lot of turmoil that resulted from the “end” of the Cold War, but also was tied to the economic developments in Western Europe after 1945 and increasing industrialization. Reading the textbook, the assigned primary sources and...

Guiding questions final assignment

In the first week of the course you answered the four guiding questions for the course.  Now looking back, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on what you have learned and how it has influenced you. Chose ONE of the guiding questions to zoom in on. In your...

Module Eight Discussion – Discussion Group 1

In this discussion, please identify up to three specific ideas (please mention the author(s) associated with them) that really made an impression on you, and explain why you chose them in particular.  What kind of impact did they have on you? What, if anything, has...

Module Eight Contemplative Reflection

Right at the beginning of the quarter, in Module 1, you chose a non-human teacher. Many weeks have passed since you completed that exercise and you should have become more acquainted with your non-human teacher.  Your lives, and the world in general, have undergone...

Module 7 Quiz

Question 1 1 / 1 pts Berry believes our secular society does not have a story that enables it to reach emotional and spiritual fulfilment. Correct! True   False   Question 2 1 / 1 pts According to Berry, the ‘confusion and insecurity’ we experience...