A small pilot study is conducted to investigate the effect of a nutritional supplement ontotal body weight. Six participants agree to take the nutritional supplement. To assessits effect on body weight weights are measured before starting the supplementationand then after 6 weeks. The data are shown below. Is there a significant increase inbody weight following supplementation? Use a paired t-test at a 5% level ofsignificance.1. df=_____ (2 points)2. Critical value: ______ (2 points)3. Computed statistic:_____ (2 points)4. Based on comparing the computed statistic to the critical value which of the followingis (are) true? (4 points)a. There is significant evidence alpha=0.05 to show that body weight increasedfollowing supplementation?b. There is not significant evidence alpha=0.05 to show that body weight increasedfollowing supplementation?c. Statistically speaking the difference in initial weights and weights after 6 weeks is 0.d. b and
A small pilot study is conducted to investigate the effect of a nutritional supp
by Morris Graham | Sep 23, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments