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In this module we explored the concept of worldviews. You read the chapter ‘Naming the Elephant’ by Sire, and considered seven basic questions. The first question, below, relates to this reading.

Please respond to the question below.  Then in a separate posting, reply to one of your classmates, either in writing or by using the audio or video function in discussions.  Ten points are available for your posting and response.  Please click here (Links to an external site.) for my grading criteria and to find out what I am looking for in your discussion postings. Remember – it really helps if you post your first discussion a few days before the deadline, because it gives other students time to respond to you.  Everyone does better if you try to stick to that discipline of posting at least a day before the deadline.

The authors Sire and Foltz reflected on the idea of a worldview.  Adichie in her Ted Talk encouraged us to think about different stories. At one point she says: “Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. ” Please share in a discussion posting an example of a way you or somebody you know has been empowered by a story, and a way in which you/they have been disempowered or maligned by one.