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In the solution identification stage, the mediator is called to bring forth the best in the parties to resolve the dispute before them. The mediator must begin to move the parties toward identifying areas that are of common ground for the disputants, and begin to have the parties identify possible solutions. In addition, the areas of conflict become better defined. If the parties cannot find a solution themselves, it is up to the mediator to identify solutions, based upon the information given by the parties.  To accomplish this, the mediator must ask questions.  It is likely each party will have an idea of how to solve the problem.  The mediator provides communication and discourse between the disputants that was likely not there before. As the mediator is acting as a neutral party, asking probing questions, and suggesting solutions that work for both parties, this process is also known as facilitation. The end goal is to arrive at terms that both parties agree to. The mediator must be aware of their own predisposition to remain within the bounds of the mediation process and utilize the mediation style that best suits them and the session.

In the previous module, you examined what might be your own implicit bias, as well as investigated your own personality in module one.