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Mechanics Assignment


Unit – Mechanics








Answer all the questions. The grade descriptors for each question is given in the table below.



Understanding of the subject All questions
Application of knowledge All questions
Application of skill All questions
Use of information All questions
Communication and presentation All questions
Autonomy/Independence All questions
Quality All questions



Hand in date – 27th April 2020

Email your completed assignment to rcato1sc@stokecoll.ac.uk















  1. Complete the following vector addition diagrams correctly.


  • 9m/s at 42º + 5m/s at 135º




  • 11m/s at 57º + 10m/s at 185º




  • 11m/s at 55º + 11m/s at 135º



The scale for all the above is 1.5 cm = 2 m/s


  1. From the information, complete the free body diagrams correctly. You will also need to state the net force and the direction of the force.


  1. 1426N of tension against 975N of gravity
  2. 851N of air resistance against 1822N of thrust
  3. 60N normal force, 60N gravity and 18.3N friction (to the left)



  1. Name eight scalar quantities and all the vector quantities with the correct units. You will need to create a table with the following headings.


Name of quantity Scalar or Vector Unit


  1. Complete the following parallelogram and triangle diagrams correctly.



















  1. Work out x and y in each of the following.


a )Diagonal force of 37.7N at 75º

  1. b) Diagonal force of 76.4N at 56º




  1. (a) What are the formulas for speed and velocity?


(b) Explain why speed is a scalar quantity and why both acceleration and velocity are        vector quantities.




  1. Spiderman and Dr Strange have captured Thanos in a web spun by Spiderman and are now dragging him into custody. Both Spiderman and Dr Strange are pulling on the web at an angle of 55º and both with a force of 3456N. The web has a tensile strength of 10000 N.












Work out the resultant force exerted on Thanos by the two superheroes.


  1. (a) A plane taking off accelerates along a runway from 42 m per second to 82 m per second in 16 seconds. Calculate its acceleration.


(b) A train travels at a speed of 55m per second for 100 seconds. As, it approaches a station, it decelerates at a steady rate so that it comes to a halt after a further 65 seconds. Draw a velocity time graph for the train’s motion and use it to calculate:

  1. i) The trains speed as it slows down
  2. ii) The total distance travelled during the time described.



  1. Describe what energy is and give six examples.





  1. A motor is used to lift a 53kg load to a height of 11m. Take g = 9.8Nkg


  1. Calculate the work done in lifting the load


  1. The speed of the load during the lift is 0.35m/s; work out the power delivered by the motor.




  1. A bullet with a mass of 0.044 kg leaves a gun at 1750 m/s. If the gun’s mass is 1.85 kg, what is the velocity of the recoil on the gun?





  1. Give an examples of how both Charles Law and Boyle’s law can be applied in nature.



  1. Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate conservation of energy. You will need to correctly identify:


  • Aim
  • Apparatus
  • Method




  1. Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate acceleration. You will need to correctly identify:


  • Aim
  • Apparatus
  • Method





15.A woman is pulling a suitcase along at an angle. The force she is pulling the suitcase with is 57N. What are the resultant x and y forces?












  1. A man is pulling a sledge at a particular angle. The force he is pulling the sledge at is 102N. What are the resultant x and y forces?


  1. Give an example of how each Newtonian Law can be applied in nature.



  1. A car travelling at 28 ms-1 starts to decelerate at 5 ms-2.

How long will it take for the car to come to rest?




  1. A car travelling at 33 ms-1accelerates at 4.4 ms-2 for 8.7 secs.
    How far did the car travel during the period of acceleration?








  1. A bicycle has a momentum of 28 kg m/s. What momentum would the bicycle have if it had?


a.… twice the mass and was moving at the same speed?

b.… the same mass and was moving with twice the speed?

c.… one-half the mass and was moving with twice the speed?

d.… the same mass and was moving with one-half the speed?

e.… three times the mass and was moving with one-half the speed?

f.… three times the mass and was moving with twice the speed?





  1. A raindrop falls at a constant velocity of 2.1 ms-1. If a horizontal wind of 1.6ms-1 is blowing, calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity of the raindrop by
  • a scale diagram
  • calculation












  1. Complete the following table. Copy this table into your answer book.


Pressure P



Volume V P x V



















  1. What do you notice about the results?


  1. Plot a graph to show your results.





  1. A deep sea diver is working at a depth where the pressure is 8.0 atmospheres. He is breathing out air bubbles. The volume of each air bubble is 4.5 cm2. At the surface the pressure is 1 atmosphere. What is the volume of each bubble when it reaches the surface?