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Assignment 3

TPSYCH 309: Fundamentals of Psychological Research II

Professor: Amanda Sesko


Anderson, S. L., Adams, G., & Plaut, V. C. (2008). The cultural grounding of personal relationships: The importance of attractiveness of everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 352-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.95.2.352


Then answer the following questions:


  1. What is the overall goal of this research (in 1 to 2 sentences—paraphrase!)?


  1. Summarize the methodology of Study 1. In other words, what did they do (i.e., their procedures and measurements) to assess their questions of interest?


  1. For Study 1, why is a regression analysis most appropriate? (Hint: think of the goals of their research and the ways in which the variables were studied).


Analysis Study 1

  1. What type of regression was used (simple linear or multiple) and why? What were the predictor variables (independent variables) and what were the dependent variable(s)?


  1. General Life outcomes: Answer the following questions relating the results of general life outcomes.
  2. a) Was the overall model significant? What was the p value?
  3. b) What was the R2adjusted and what does this mean? Why was an adjusted R2 used instead of R2?
  4. c) There was a significant interaction between attractiveness and nationality on general life outcomes. To understand this interaction the researchers looked at the slopes (i.e., “simple slopes”) of American participants and Ghanaian participants separately. They were as follows:

Americans: β = .23, p  = .01

Ghanaians: β = -.26, p  = .05

Write out in words what this means as we have been in class for each slope (e.g., as there is a ______ in ______there is a______in ______).

  1. d) What do you think is meant by an “interaction” between predictor variables? Just do you best here as I know we have not covered it.
  2. e) Did they support their hypothesis?


  1. Particular relationship contexts: Answer the following questions relating the results of particular relationship contexts first with friendship outcomes and second with scores on self-reported mating relationship outcomes.


Friendship outcomes

  1. a) Was the overall model significant? What was the p value?
  2. b) What was the R2adjusted and what does this mean?
  3. c) Using numbers in your answer explain the relationship between attractiveness and friendship by nationality on friendship outcomes. (Note: I am asking you to do the same thing you did it part 5c above but now you need to find the numbers yourself.)


Self-reported mating relationship outcomes

  1. a) Was the overall model significant? What was the p value?
  2. b) What was the R2adjusted and what does this mean?
  3. c) Using numbers in your answer explain what predictor variables were significant and what the nature of the relationship was.
  4. d) What relationships among variables were NOT significant and was this expected?


  1. What was the overall conclusion from Study 1?


Study 2


  1. Summarize the goals and methods of Study 2.


  1. How did Study 2 extend Study 1?


  1. While we have not covered ANOVA, why do you think regression was NOT used in Study 2?