
General instructions: You will have two hours (120 min) to complete this exam. Once you have started the clock with start. In other words, it will not save for you. I am expecting that you have spent the normal time preparing for this exam as you would have for an in-class exam. While you may use notes, you will not have the time to complete the exam and use your notes for every question–in other words, treat this like you would an in-class exam.

This quiz was locked Mar 19 at 12:10pm.

Attempt History

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LATEST Attempt 1 77 minutes 80 out of 100 *

* Some questions not yet graded

Score for this quiz: 80 out of 100 *
Submitted Mar 19 at 9:23am
This attempt took 77 minutes.

Question 1

/ 3 pts

In addition to assessing whether each of your independent variables has an effect on the dependent variable, a factorial ANOVA also allows you to:


determine whether the effects of one factor depend on the other factor.

test for main effects.

use multiple dependent measures in a single analysis.

include manipulation checks.

Question 2

/ 3 pts

A researcher is interested in whether circadian rhythms influence participants’ performance on different kinds of memory tests. The researcher first classifies participants according to whether each is a morning person or an evening person. The researcher then randomly assigns participants to receive either an implicit memory test or an explicit memory test. The researcher then tests everyone’s memory at 8 A.M. How would you label the ANOVA used to analyze these data?

a 4 x 2 between-subjects ANOVA

a 2 x 1 between-subjects ANOVA


a 2 x 2 between-subjects ANOVA

a 2 x 2 within-subjects ANOVA

Question 3

/ 3 pts

Main effects refer to the:

combined effects of your two dependent variables.

combined effects of your two independent variables.

You Answered

effect of one level of your independent variable on the dependent variable, disregarding other levels of that independent variable.

Correct Answer

effect of a single independent variable on the dependent variable, disregarding all other variables in the study.

Question 4

/ 3 pts

An interaction occurs when:

the dependent variable does not depend on any of your independent variables.

two independent variables both influence the dependent variable.


the effects of one of your independent variables depends on the level of the other independent variable.

a single independent variable changes the dependent variable, disregarding all other variables in the study.

The following figure reflects the results of a study by Forys and Dahlquist (2007) investigating the effects of coping style and cognitive strategy on dealing with pain. Participants were first classified as having a monitoring or avoiding coping style. They were then randomly assigned to one of two cognitive strategy conditions: distraction or sensation monitoring. Participants were next instructed to use the cognitive strategy while submerging their hand in ice water. The researchers measured pain tolerance as the number of seconds participants were able to keep their hand in the ice water. Answer the next 3 questions in relation to this image.

question 5-7-1.png

Question 5

/ 3 pts

Does this figure reflect a main effect of coping style? If so, what best describes that main effect?

Yes; People with monitoring and avoiding coping styles were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than 60 seconds, on average.


Yes; People with an avoiding coping style were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than those with a monitoring style.

Yes; The effect of coping style depended on the cognitive strategy employed. Those with an avoiding coping style kept their hand in the ice water longer when using a distraction strategy, but those with a monitoring coping style kept their hand in the ice water longer when using a sensation-monitoring strategy.

There is no main effect of coping style.

Question 6

/ 3 pts

Does the figure reflect a main effect of cognitive strategy? If so, what best describes that main effect?

Yes; People using both distraction and sensation-monitoring cognitive strategies were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than 60 seconds, on average.

Yes; People using a sensation-monitoring strategy were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than those with a distraction strategy.


Yes; People using a distraction strategy were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than those with a sensation-monitoring strategy.

There is no main effect of cognitive strategy.

Question 7

/ 3 pts

Does this figure reflect an interaction between coping style and cognitive strategy? If so, what best describes that interaction?

Yes; People using both distraction and sensation-monitoring cognitive strategies were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than 60 seconds, on average.

Yes; The effect of cognitive strategy depended on the coping style of the participant. People using a sensation-monitoring strategy were able to keep their hand in the ice water for longer than those with a monitoring copying style.


Yes; The effect of cognitive strategy depended on the coping style of the participant. Those with an avoiding coping style kept their hand in the ice water longer when using a distraction strategy compared to a sensation-monitoring strategy, but those with a monitoring coping style kept their hands in the water for relatively the same amount of time when using a distraction and sensation-monitoring cognitive style.

There is no interaction between coping style and cognitive strategy.

Question 8

/ 3 pts

The following data show the means for four treatment conditions as well as the overall means for the columns and the rows.  For these data, what numbers are compared to assess the main effect of factor B?

A1 A2
B 1 = 20 M = 60 M = 40
B2 = 30 M = 70 M = 50
M = 25 M = 65  

40; 70

20; 30


40; 50

25; 65

For the following three questions you will want to draw graphs to help you answer the question.

Question 9

/ 5 pts

The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment. What pattern of results is shown in the data?

A1 A2
B1 = 10 = 40
B2 = 20 = 50

Main effects for both factors and an interaction.


Main effects for both factors, but no interaction

A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction.

A main effect for factor A and an interaction, but no main effect for factor B.

Question 10

/ 5 pts

The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment.  What pattern of results is shown in the data?

A1 A2
B1 = 30 = 20
B2 = 30 = 20
You Answered

Main effects for both factors and an interaction.

Main effects for both factors, but no interaction.

Correct Answer

A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction.

A main effect for factor A and B an interaction .

Question 11

/ 5 pts

The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment.  What pattern of results is shown in the data?

A1 A2
B1 = 20 = 40
B2 = 40 = 20

Main effects for both factors and an interaction.

Main effects for both factors and no interaction.

A main effect for factor A, no main effect for factor B, and no interaction.


An interaction only.

Question 12

15 / 18 pts

Match the analysis on the left to the study design on the right by selecting the matching value on the right from a drop down. Note that you will not use all of the analyses.

You Answered

You have more than 1 nominal IV that is between-subjects and 1 continuous DV.
Correct Answer

Between-subjects factorial ANOVA

You have 1 nominal IV with 2 levels that are within-subjects, and 1 continuous DV.

You have two continuous variables. You have a prediction as to how one of the variables will affect the other variable.

You have 1 nominal IV with 3 levels that are between-subjects, and one continuous DV.

You have two continuous variables. You predict a relationship between the variables.

You have 1 nominal IV with 2 levels that are between-subjects, and 1 continuous DV.
Other Incorrect Match Options:

  • Multiple regression
  • One-way within-subjects ANOVA

In class we discussed data in which participants were randomly assigned to drink caffeine (coffee), a 5 hour energy drink, or a placeboThey were then tested on how many words they remembered on a test. Assume that researchers were also interested in if education matters for these effects and categorized people into high school degree, college degree, or graduate degree. The resulting study design was a 3 (drink type: caffeine, 5 hour energy, placebo) × 3 (education: high school, college, graduate) between-subjects design. The output follows:



post hocs-1.png

Question 13

/ 3 pts

What kind of analysis is this?


Correct Answers

Factorial ANOVA

between-subjects factorial ANOVA

between subjects factorial ANOVA

Question 14

15 / 20 pts

Using correct reporting of numbers and language, write out the results of this analysis in full sentence form like you would in a results section of a paper. Make sure to explain the nature of the effect(s).

Your Answer:

Ratings of perceived attractiveness were submitted to a 3 (drink type: caffeine, 5 hour energy, placebo) x 3 (education: high school, college, graduate) factorial ANOVA. There was a significant main effect of drink type F(2, 60)=6.19, p=.004 such that the participants in college remembered more words when they drank a caffeinated drink (M=21.71, SD=2.98) than when they drank a 5 hour energy drink (M=22.33, SD=1.63). They also remembered more words when they took the 5 hour energy drink (M=22.33, SD=1.63) than when they drank the placebo (M=18.71, SD=3.15), p<.001. There was no main effect of education, F(2,60)=.377, p=.683, high school participants (M=20.71, SD=3.93), college participants (M=20.85, SD=3.05), and graduate participants (M=21.34, SD=3.74) remembered the same amount of words. There was no significant interaction between drink type and education (4, 60)=.807, p<.526. High school, college and graduate participants did not differ after drinking a 5 hour energy drink (M=22.96, SD=3.19). There was no significant difference between high school, college or graduate students in the number of words they remembered after drinking a caffeinated drink, p=.896, 5 hour energy drink, p=.536, or placebo. p=.628.


Number of words remembered was submitted to a 3 × 3 between-subjects factorial ANOVA and produced a significant main effect of drink type, F( 2, 51) = 6.19,  = .004. Specifically, participants who drank 5 hour energy ( = 22.95, SD  = 3.19) remembered significantly more words than those who drank caffeine ( = 20.70, SD  = 3.19; = .037) or a placebo ( = 19.25, SD  = 3.39; = .001). There was no difference between number of words remembered when drinking a placebo or no caffeine, = .173. No other significant effects emerged, ps > .52.

What you report at the end is not for the interaction. There was no interaction so I didn’t give you the comparisons for it. What you have there was for the main effect of education. See my key
Quiz Score: 80 out of 100

This quiz score has been manually adjusted by +16.0 points.