In the first week of the course you answered the four guiding questions for the course. Now looking back, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on what you have learned and how it has influenced you. Chose ONE of the guiding questions to zoom in on. In your introduction, make it clear which question you are answering, and what your initial response to it was at the beginning of the course (up to 500 words). Then write a reflection (between 1000- 2000 words) on how engagement with this course has influenced you and changed your thinking about this question. In your response you should include references to at least three of the authors we have studied in this class, and include a minimum of three quotations (with citations) for each of those authors. If you mention additional authors beyond three you don’t have to include quotations, but you should still include citation information for them. You may also make reference to authors we haven’t studied in class, if that is relevant to the question. Before you start, look at the grading rubric below – this will give you a sense of how you will be evaluated, and what I am looking for. Be sure to click on ‘view longer description’ under the criteria for more specific information. You will see, for example, that you are required to use APA style for citations. If you are not sure what that means, check out this site at the Library:
If you are still stuck, do take advantage of the Teaching and Learning Center in the library.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
Overall presentation
Are all the elements of the project present and submitted on time? Is the paper well-structured and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes? Is it clear which question you are answering?
Summary of thinkers’ positions
Are the descriptions of the thinkers’ positions fair, organized and supported with evidence?
Personal Reflection
Does this reflection provide a clear account of your learning journey, showing how you have responded both to different readings we have encountered and also to your contemplative exercises? Does it give specific examples of this? Does it give a sense that you have sincerely engaged with the ideas presented in the class through the readings (and/or from other students)? Does it clearly demonstrate how you have engaged with aspects of the guiding questions of the class?
Use of citations
Did you have at least three citations for each thinker? Were they relevant? Where they correctly cited in APA style?
Total Points: 100.0